Syphilis is a conveyed disease caused by a spirochaete bacterium, Treponema pallidum. Syphilis is passed from person to person through physical contact with a syphilis sore. It primarily on the external genital organs, in the rectum. Sexual active person can be infected with syphilis. It is prevalent in urban than agricultural fields. Syphilis in primary stage is usually determined by the development of one or more sores. It appears ten to ninety days and appearance of sores at three weeks from infection is typical. These are small, round, strong, and painless. A syphilis symptom in Secondary stage is mentioned for its skin rashes and mucous membrane. It will appear as rough, reddish brown points that are not particularly itchy. More symptoms are like fever, hair loss, headaches, muscle hurt, swollen lymph nodes, and weight loss also.
Syphilis is a simple to cure, if seen in the young stages. Additional shots will be needed for longer infections. Treatment will heal a person of the disease. Now drug resistant syphilis has been spreading. The recent info presents that 10% of new cases are incapable to azithromycin.The direct ways of forbidding syphilis is to abstain from sexual relations. Condoms, greatly reduce the chance of infection, but do not excrete it.
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