Sunday, May 8, 2011

The danger of medical drugs

One issue that I discussed earlier, but due to repeated “accusations” against medicinal plants, I must repeat or extend their defense.

One way is to confront news like the following:

a) Alternative medicine can be dangerous for children and adolescents, and even deadly, according to a study conducted in Australia. 39 cases studied in children over 2 years, with 17 cases affected by not using conventional medicine. Four deaths.

b) Drug kills 2,000 in France. Paris | The health scandal caused in France by the Mediator, a drug for diabetics who are overweight and have caused some 2,000 deaths, stirred the political sphere which took 11 years to have it off the market, after the first warnings about its danger.

Another way is to argue how they should handle these drugs derived from plants:

In a previous post I stated, “In short, the regulations for medicinal products prepared from raw herbs or their derivatives, must be the same as for allopathic medicines. As for the dried herbs that are packaged and sold as such, regulations should monitor , first the good manufacturing practices and also other recommendations included in the packaging and labels or tags, as well as any material of propaganda. “

You can also highlight other issues of common synthetic drugs as well as frequent self-medication:

1 .- Aspirin has its risks. Overconfidence in aspirin has become a danger, since it is capable of producing poison, frequently associated with viral diseases. Its property of reducing blood clotting may also cause problems and frequent use can cause gastrointestinal mucosal lesions.

2 .- To take daily painkillers may raise the risk of stroke. Analgesic consumption (type of ibuprofen) daily for several years may increase the chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke, according to Swiss research published in the British Medical Journal and compiled by the BBC website.

On the simultaneous use of natural and allopathic, I take what the President of the Chilean Society of Phytotherapy and speaker of the 6 th International Congress on Complementary Medicine, Dr. Miguel Morales, said.

“He warns about the risks of mixing drugs with herbal medicine allopathic and / or herbs without medical supervision. He indicates that they may alter treatment, increased adverse reactions, toxicity occur, but also, it may enhance therapeutic success.

But if these requirements are not met by either the economic interests of the pharmaceutical industry, because despite being aware of all developments that have taken the various disciplines and technological advancement do not develop each of the stages of the investigation of future medicine either by omission or intent, or the rush to get the product to market or because they are demanding market demand or population health status, as well as professionals in the field especially the physician does not know or know only superficially mechanism action of drugs with poor real support physicochemical aspects of the particular case to prescribe now. This also goes at hand with misdiagnosis and lack of knowledge or because the patient has no fundamental culture and do not provide all the information to the doctor, is then presented with both a public health problem. “

I think that ultimately, both allopathic and natural medicines (from plants) are obviously important and they are not responsible for the problems caused by misuse. We, human beings are who act improperly. Whether consumers, health professionals, manufacturers, authorities and all other stakeholders. To the extent that if the goal is not the welfare of the people, these stories will continue coming out.

This article was translated from the original, written in spanish at

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