Saturday, April 30, 2011


These days I have started a new section, under Phytotherapy page, to describe medicinal plants useful for different apparatus and systems ailments, complemented by some general items.

This section is going to be developped item by item and this may take up to the end of this year.

The different chapters are as follow and it it not a classification attempt, it is merely an ordering attempt:

Addictions, social drugs, alcohol, tobacco.

Antimicrobials, bacteria, fungi, virus.

Medicinal Food, modified foods, functional foods.

Circulatory Apparatus, anemia, arrhtmias, arteriosclerosis, blood, blood circulation, bruises, capillaries, haemorrhoids, heart problems, hypertension, thrombosis, varicose veins.

Digestive Apparatus, diarrhea, digestion, gastritis, heartburn, hiatal hernia, liver disturbances, parasites, spasms, ulcers.

Locomotive Apparatus, arthritis, muscle ailments, ostheoporosis, rheuma,

Reproductive Apparatus, fertility hormones, lactation, libido, menopause, menstruation, ovulation, prostate.

Respiratory Apparatus, asthma, bronchitis, colds, cough, flu, pneumonia.

Urinary Apparatus, bladder, kidneys. Ear, auditive disorders.

Eye Sight, corneal degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, pemphigus.

Hair, hair loss, hair recovery.

Metabolism, antioxidants, diabetes, growth, obesity, senility, triglycerides.

Skin, acne, bruises, burns, cellulite, dermatitis, eczema, herpes, fungal infections, hematomas, parasites, stretch marks, tumors, ulcers, vitiligo, wounds, wrinkles.

Immune System, allergies, inflammation, psoriasis, tumors. Nervous system, anxiety, depression, convulsions, fainting, dizziness, insomnia, pain, stress, memory, SNC.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The danger of medicinal drugs

One issue that I discussed earlier, but due to repeated “accusations” against medicinal plants, I must repeat or extend their defense.

One way is to confront news like the following:

a) Alternative medicine can be dangerous for children and adolescents, and even deadly, according to a study conducted in Australia. 39 cases studied in children over 2 years, with 17 cases affected by not using conventional medicine. Four deaths.

b) Drug kills 2,000 in France. Paris | The health scandal caused in France by the Mediator, a drug for diabetics who are overweight and have caused some 2,000 deaths, stirred the political sphere which took 11 years to have it off the market, after the first warnings about its danger.

Another way is to argue how they should handle these drugs derived from plants:

In a previous post I stated, “In short, the regulations for medicinal products prepared from raw herbs or their derivatives, must be the same as for allopathic medicines. As for the dried herbs that are packaged and sold as such, regulations should monitor , first the good manufacturing practices and also other recommendations included in the packaging and labels or tags, as well as any material of propaganda. “

You can also highlight other issues of common synthetic drugs as well as frequent self-medication:

1 .- Aspirin has its risks. Overconfidence in aspirin has become a danger, since it is capable of producing poison, frequently associated with viral diseases. Its property of reducing blood clotting may also cause problems and frequent use can cause gastrointestinal mucosal lesions.

2 .- To take daily painkillers may raise the risk of stroke. Analgesic consumption (type of ibuprofen) daily for several years may increase the chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke, according to Swiss research published in the British Medical Journal and compiled by the BBC website.

On the simultaneous use of natural and allopathic, I take what the President of the Chilean Society of Phytotherapy and speaker of the 6 th International Congress on Complementary Medicine, Dr. Miguel Morales, said.

“He warns about the risks of mixing drugs with herbal medicine allopathic and / or herbs without medical supervision. He indicates that they may alter treatment, increased adverse reactions, toxicity occur, but also, it may enhance therapeutic success.

But if these requirements are not met by either the economic interests of the pharmaceutical industry, because despite being aware of all developments that have taken the various disciplines and technological advancement do not develop each of the stages of the investigation of future medicine either by omission or intent, or the rush to get the product to market or because they are demanding market demand or population health status, as well as professionals in the field especially the physician does not know or know only superficially mechanism action of drugs with poor real support physicochemical aspects of the particular case to prescribe now. This also goes at hand with misdiagnosis and lack of knowledge or because the patient has no fundamental culture and do not provide all the information to the doctor, is then presented with both a public health problem. “

I think that ultimately, both allopathic and natural medicines (from plants) are obviously important and they are not responsible for the problems caused by misuse. We, human beings are who act improperly. Whether consumers, health professionals, manufacturers, authorities and all other stakeholders. To the extent that if the goal is not the welfare of the people, these stories will continue coming out.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tomato chemicals and cancer

Tomatine-Containing Green Tomato Extracts Inhibit Growth of Human Breast, Colon, Liver, and Stomach Cancer Cells

Mendel Friedman, Carol E. Levin, Seung-Un Lee, Hyun-Jeong Kim, In-Seon Lee, Jae-Oke Byun and Nobuyuki Kozukue J. Agric. Food Chem., Publication Date (Web): June 10, 2009Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) synthesize the glycoalkaloids dehydrotomatine and a-tomatine, possibly as a defense against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and insects. Six green and three red tomato extracts were investigated for their ability to induce cell death in human cancer and normal cells using a microculture tetrazolium (MTT) assay. Compared to untreated controls, the high-tomatine green tomato extracts strongly inhibited the following human cancer cell lines: breast (MCF-7), colon (HT-29), gastric (AGS), and hepatoma (liver) (HepG2), as well as normal human liver cells (Chang). There was little inhibition of the cells by the three low-tomatine red tomato extracts. Cell death induced by the pure glycoalkaloids dehydrotomatine and a-tomatine isolated from green tomatoes and characterized by HPLC, GC, and GC-MS, as well as their respective aglycones tomatidenol and tomatidine, was also evaluated. a-Tomatine was highly effective in inhibiting all of the cell lines. Dehydrotomatine, tomatidenol, and tomatidine had little, if any, effect on cell inhibition. The results show that the susceptibility to destruction varies with the nature of the alkaloid and plant extract and the type of cancer cell. These findings extend related observations on the anticarcinogenic potential of glycoalkaloids and suggest that consumers may benefit by eating not only high-lycopene red tomatoes but also green tomatoes containing glycoalkaloids. Possible mechanisms of the anticarcinogenic and other beneficial effects and the significance of the cited observations for breeding improved tomatoes and for the human diet are discussed.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Brain Eating Vaccines

Brain Eating Vaccines making the world a slave to the scientific tyranny.
The website by the URL of have recently put up a article on their website
which has become a topper on the web search lists and has reached the number one position
on Google trends.

Previously they were promoting articles related to the Obama deception and Youtube
censorship, but this time around they are trying to bring the attention of the masses towards
Brain Eating vaccines. originally promoted the new viral Google search term, so that they can attract
attention to what they claim is a grave issue globally.

According to the article, the mainstream media and what is referred to as “scientific dictatorship” is trying to cheat us in to using some particular vaccines that would help us fight stress and help us to relax, but in reality the so-called brain eating vaccines, would be reprogramming our brains, sending us into complete submissiveness against the tyranny of the scientific authorities, just like the process of lobotomy.

They have cited the examples of Germany, mass medicating water with sodium fluoride in the
Nazi prison camps, so as to force the prisoners into submission. They theorize that people
all around the world are already being injected with sodium fluoride, through water supplies,
toothpaste, and many foods etc.

According to Prison Planet: “Scientists are now telling us that getting angry, upset and
passionate is abnormal and needs to be “treated” through a fresh dose of pharmaceutical drugs
and injections that will virtually lobotomize us into submissive compliance. This is blatantly a
part of the full spectrum assault on our minds, our bodies and our nervous system through the
contamination of our food and water supply.”

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Unprotected Sex Risks

So many risks and dangers could be brought by unprotected sex. This includes undesirable pregnancy, venereal diseases. It is said that lots of more sexual infections will certainly arise this century if people would continue to practice unprotected sex. Germs have a disagreeable way of exploiting people’s behavior.

There are various risks associated with sex. It's increased significantly over the decades and posed great threats to people engaging it without protection. The figures for STD’s, STI’s and HIV are all going up. This is entirely because so lots of people, men, ladies and heterosexuals or homosexuals or 'bi don’t practice safe sex. Statistics show that men and ladies are taking increasingly sexual partners. Passionate practice like going to orgies, amalgamation sex clubs are extensive. And in lots of these situations, people don’t use condoms! Unprotected sex with multiple individuals may put your health at great risk.

It is merely not that hard to practice safe sex. They can say that the only safest type of sex is masturbation. Any other sexual activity with a partner carries some risks. You can only be sure that you can be out of dangers way if both you and your partner are faithful to each other. Using condoms can provide you some protection from some infections but not all of it. Some infections could be acquired from skin contact alone like genital warts. One of the maximum risks to your health is having sex when you have intoxicated a large amount alcohol. Most people forget to make use of protection when drunk. It is one major cause of unprotected sex. Usually speaking, to be able to live a happy and safe sex life, they ought to keep in mind to keep away from casual sex, use contraceptives in case you don’t require to get pregnant, use protection in the work of intercourse and avoid mixing alcohol and sex. This will certainly help you diminish your chances of getting any diseases.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Syphilis is a conveyed disease caused by a spirochaete bacterium, Treponema pallidum. Syphilis is passed from person to person through physical contact with a syphilis sore. It primarily on the external genital organs, in the rectum. Sexual active person can be infected with syphilis. It is prevalent in urban than agricultural fields.

Syphilis in primary stage is usually determined by the development of one or more sores. It appears ten to ninety days and appearance of sores at three weeks from infection is typical. These are small, round, strong, and painless.

A syphilis symptom in Secondary stage is mentioned for its skin rashes and mucous membrane. It will appear as rough, reddish brown points that are not particularly itchy. More symptoms are like fever, hair loss, headaches, muscle hurt, swollen lymph nodes, and weight loss also.

Syphilis is a simple to cure, if seen in the young stages. Additional shots will be needed for longer infections. Treatment will heal a person of the disease. Now drug resistant syphilis has been spreading. The recent info presents that 10% of new cases are incapable to azithromycin.

The direct ways of forbidding syphilis is to abstain from sexual relations. Condoms, greatly reduce the chance of infection, but do not excrete it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pulmonary Congestion

Pulmonary Congestion is a disease of the lungs. It is a very dangerous disease. This disease may proceed to respiratory failiure.Pulmonary Congestion is sometimes due to the failure of the heart and it will remove the liquid from the lungs. This will cause dryness to the lungs and the patient feels pain in taking breath.

This disease is so dangerous that it can cause a major injury to the lungs. It will lead the patient to the coma and then to death. The symptoms from which you can understand that you have Pulmonary Congestion or not is coughing, difficulty in breathing, blood in cough and the release of pink stuff from the body. The complexion of the patient slowly converts to the paleness. The patient looks dull and weak.

When the pressure of the blood increases in the body pulmonary Congestion starts taking place and then it will cause damage to the tissues of the body and then it destroy the whole body structure. After analyzing that you have the symptoms of this disease you should immediately go to the nearest hospitals. You should do the tests and x-rays in order to know the actual reason of the lungs failure as some other disease may also damage the lungs.

The therapy which doctors refer for pulmonary Congestion is oxygenation. When patient suffers from this disease highly flow of oxygen is given to the patient in order to make the lungs exhale and inhale properly.Sidenafil is the new treatment introduced few years ago. People are accepting this treatment but not completely.Hurdels are still there in the way. But cure for this disease has found.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Smoking is awful for the Wellness

Nearly everyone experiences that smoking is awful for the wellness. Pictures of smoking lungs draw school halls and infirmary looking rooms, merely inspite of it people keep to leave fuming. It may take to act with the immanent loving figure of fuming -- an figure which contains zero in usual with fact.

Numerous modes are to get tobacco. You can cud it, breathe in it over the nose, and skunk it in the sort of cigarettes. Regardless how this is got it is risky, but because fuming is the very common style to have tobacco it holds also found the best care from the medical point of view and the mass media.

When a smoker gets a blow of cigarette skunk the huge area of the lungs lets nicotine to go into the blood flow nearly at once. That nicotine "hit" the tobacco users thirst, but there is much more to skunk than only nicotine. Actually, there are about 3990 chemicals that make fag smoke and numerous of them are virulent.

Cigarette skunk is framed of more than 40 carcinogenic sums and about 400 different toxins which can as well be seen in wood varnish, nail polish remover, and skunk toxicant. These materials collect in the body and put up reason great troubles to the lungs and the heart.

Smoking is also included in the causes of cancer. About 90% lungs cancer is caused by smoking which eventually ends on deaths. Despite the lungs cancer, smoking can be also caused in other cancers like kidney, mouth stomach etc.

Besides cancers, there are a lot of diseases linked with smoke which are to blame of about 75% death.

In short we can say that smoking can cause a lot of troubles.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Depression is a dominant health trouble in different sites as well northern Illinois, as it strikes to a greater extent than 19 million Americans, extensive, each year, indifferent of age, caste, or sex. Although it is not a natural part of the old form, there is a good likeliness of it passing when different personal wellness circumstances are existing.

For instance, almost a fourth of the 600,000 souls who feel a slash in a required year will see natural depression.

Unluckily, symptoms of depression are much ignored and unstained when they co-occur with other sicknesses or iving issues which usually happen as people age.Yet,impersonal depression is never a natural answer; it is a great illness that should be handled at both age.

Health attention is a complicated synergistic action as symptoms of tension can be set off by other usual sicknesses popular in after living, For instance, cancer and arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease.

It is noted as a cause of suicides in elder people of America.

Among white males (65.3 deaths per 100,000 persons) is nearly six times the self-annihilation rate (10.8 per 100,000) in the U.S.

Essential aid doctors exactly know common than one-half of patients having depression, leading in reduced role and enhanced duration of hospital care.

Symptoms of depression are noted to a greater extent by people below age 64 than people aged 65 and up.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Younger Breast Cancer

patients 35 years old and younger, having Breast cancer have high charges of their cancer recurring subsequent to cure as compared to adult women patients with the similar period of cancer, as well as their danger of reappearance is really impacted through the sort of cure they expected, as a March 1 study states in the International Magazine of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, the administrator magazine of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (short as ASTRO).

Earlier reading have exposed that younger breast cancer patients always have poorer results as compared to patients who build up the illness afterward in life, which can translate into lesser rates of general survival. As the cause for it is not recognized, it is recommended that breast cancer in younger patients is extra biologically violent.

Researchers as of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston wanted to decide which appearance of breast cancer cure; breast-conserving treatment, mastectomy only or else mastectomy through adjuvant waves, that are improved profits younger women through either Stage I or Stage II breast cancer.

A sum of 652 young ladies having breast cancer as of 1973 to 2006 were learned, through 197 of the patients containing expected breast-conserving therapy, 237 containing received a mastectomy and 234 having received mastectomy with adjuvant radiation. The study writers verified that younger breast cancer patients act have comparatively towering loco local reappearance rates, however that patients have Stage II illness got the finest loco regional control rates through mastectomy in addition adjuvant radiation treatment. Patients have Stage I disease had same results through breast-conserving therapy along with mastectomy, however adding chemotherapy to either cure was useful.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Effects of Temporary Tattoos

There are an extensive variety of temporary tattoos. Each of the tattoos in the series has a diverse use plus every one of them can be practice arranged with your personal sign.

There are a number of kinds of tattoos. One of them is classic. Various aspect of this sort of tattoos is that it is full color imprinted with white color mixed. It can be printed in full color. The good numbers of the short-term tattoos are entirely secure, harmless and hypoallergenic.
Tattoos are not only well liked for teenage or children but also for adults with tribal or Chinese designs.

These are valuable for on pack advertising, product commences or add to a low-priced fun product to a promotion.
There are some common uses of tattoos.
It can be utilizes for promotion messages, security messages, optimistic messages for children, sport or challenges, out-of-doors dealings, spring crack actions, outdoor sport team events, argument and entertaining park, swimwear promotions, sun care product promotions, new product introductions and for certified characters.

One additional style of tattoos is the glow in the dark tattoo. Its sketch is that it flames under a black light.
Its specification is that its finest presentation takes place when the murky provisional tattoos is subjected to light sources well off in UV light prior to it is filled in a shady area.
Its optional uses are that it can be utilized in decorations, promotions, discos and potion business promotions.
Tattoos are used in different styles in different parts of the worlds.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Caffeine is a new search system that is developed by Google. It had been developed by Google for the ease of users. This had been released by Google on June 8 2010. Through the use of Caffeine users can search much of the new information quickly. Caffeine had been releases after 10 months of struggle.

First of all caffeine was tested within Google and then it was separately on its data centre. A new and fresh approach had been represented by Google with the launch of Caffeine. It is somehow termed as Decaf Index where the new information arrives quickly and the data is updated every week.

Many web pages are processed by Caffeine in bits and pieces. It can store about 100 gigabytes of data on a single data base. This new change by Google is liked by Business people and hence it is a good change for them as they mostly rely on Google rather than any other search engine.

Some problems can exist within caffeine but according to Google, their main mission was to let people can fresh information and experience something new with a good change. This is a huge competitor for Bling that is produced by Microsoft.

The new information that will come fresh will be available at the top of the search system by the users rather than looking for the information at the next pages whereas the older information will be found on the bottom or next pages. Google’s caffeine is a threat for those search systems that do not update their web regularly.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hair Styles Can Cover Up Hair Loss

When it occurs to look well close to dropping off your hair, sometimes totally it may get is a easy coif to drastically better your show. And, a good-cut fashion can live an extended direction in terms of reconstructing your self trust. Your destination should take the good trend that you are later, while at the same time holding the complete slash that emphasizes the figure of your head.

When it has to hair fashion for someone who is getting bare, on that point some steps which can be practiced. Some cases may be camouflaging particular portions of the scalp with present hair or cutting different parts of the hair closer that can move out the looking of thinning.

Permanent Curls

It is different titling proficiency that are named “perms”. A lasting curl factually gives your present hair extensive wavy. It is ended by twining the hair that you already get close to little short poles that are late processed with chemical substances. When over, the hair will be slackly waved or fine tightly handled, depending on the permanent wave vogue you took.

Once the chemical handling is washed out, a person's hair that has done a eternal curl will keep the figure of these waves. This coif makes the trick of closer and more thick hair development and is special for some one who are getting low pieces of baldness throughout their scalp. The tightness of the eternal curl will assist cover the reducing regions underneath the wavy poles of hair which persist upper.

Although the lasting curl vogue goes similar to a very normal result, and it is, there is a downside. Finally, the hair which yet exists will develop flat from the bases.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mesothelioma Grounds Handling

Mesothelioma is a toxicant melanoma or cancer that is caused by asbestos which is an artificial fiber that has been used normally in a sort of building materials for insulation and as a fireproof vulnerability and there are no determinations to advise that this cancer is stimulated by other rootage

Many of the dupes of Mesothelioma are diagnosed with Mesothelioma were workers who were not privies of the risks of acting with asbestos

Peritoneal mesothelioma strikes the body's power to defend the human body organs in this part by flexible the power to preserve the organs lubed which enables them shift around and work suitably

Peritoneal mesothelioma cells consist sleeping for many years before they grow effective and produce apparent symptoms. When symptoms do come out it unfortunately shows that the disease has higher to a later degree.

The late diagnosing argue of peritoneal mesothelioma has been presented to the fact that the most former symptoms of the disease are so synonymous to other common sensitive diseases and complaints that an personal passes a massive handle of time being processed for the bad ailment

Mesothelioma is occasional even though it may not sense that way if you has been affected by it. This rarity that makes it a diagnosing taken by governing our more general potentiality sicknesses. If the doctor has an inclusive medical history and finds a personal has worked in a job where they have probably been around to asbestos or concerned products, he will know to inquire meosthelioma as a possible cause of the sickness. If a person is conscious that they have worked close to asbestos, it is a good to bring this selective information up with a doctor as soon as there is a sickness where the reason is not recognized.

Mesothelioma is in the tissue layer that surroundings the lungs. However, it can also snipe the tracing of the heart or the stomach. This type of melanoma is occasional.

Doctors calculate that the death rate from this painful disease will prime within the present decade. It has been anticipated that there will be cases of this disease well into the next 100 years since statute law does not presently need strong sufficient limitations on asbestos. Doctors have determined that about three times as some male concentrate Mesothelioma as female, but there has been no conclusion as to why this is the case.

No ensures that the doctors with the best accesses can handle Mesothelioma. There are many factors that go into this low survival rate. However, doctors who understand the importance of practices, nutritional therapies, stress therapies, and various forms of alternative treatments to use in conjunction with opponent prescribed treatments can seriously alter a Mesothelioma patient's chances of survival.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Hodgkin's Disease

Hodgkin's disease is also called Hodgkin's lymphoma.
This disease is actually a type of lymphoma while lymphoma is cancer of lymph tissue originated in the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, as well as bone core. The initial symptom of Hodgkin's disease is frequently an distended lymph node. The infection can extend to close to lymph nodes. Afterward it may reach to the liver, lungs, otherwise bone marrow. The reason for that disease is still unidentified.
Hodgkin's disease is actually uncommon. In the signs of this dangerous disease comprises trouble-free swelling of the lymph nodes in the place of neck, armpits, or on groin, fever as well as coolness, weight loss, night sweat, itchy skin as well as loss of appetite.
Doctors can identify Hodgkin's disease with the procedure of biopsy. This method occupies taking away as well as checking a part of tissue below a microscope. Cure differs depending on how distant the infection has increased as well as frequently comprises radiation therapy otherwise chemotherapy.
The early the disease is identified, the extra efficient the cure is. In nearly all matters, Hodgkin's disease can be treated.
No one actually recognize faithfully what reasons Hodgkin's disease. People who have a brother or sister who has had Hodgkin's infection appears somewhat extra possible to catch the disease, as are citizens who have had an organ transfer or who have obtained immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). However only as you've had an organ transfer or have a compromise unaffected system doesn't mean you'll acquire Hodgkin's disease. Many people through Hodgkin's infection don't have any of these danger issues.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Garlic contains a mightily wellness slug! It is not a private just a famous fact. Garlic's health gains take not only latterly been found, only they've been noted for centuries.

The Chinese were well conscious of the power of the garlic to encourage healthful. Colonial American settlers as well recognized about these health profits. Actually, only about the first light of culture, garlic has been extremely considered as a disease defender. And this knowledge has been dispersed throughout numerous unique civilizations.

You credibly experience that the constructors of the most-valuable pyramid of Giza were garlic- feeding hard workers. According to the Bible, the Garlic was the favorite of the early Hebrews. Garlic was one of the matters they missed the most after their hejira from Egypt.

The Roman soldiers regularly take Garlic. Virgil, a well known poet has advised the harvester to use the Garlic as it will protect them from hot sunlight.

From the above discussion, we can easily guess that the Garlic has been used for hundreds of years in a lot of places of the world.

Numerous people say that Garlic can be helpful in usually cold and even in a Cancer. We have a lot of researches which shows that Garlic is helpful in T.B. and blood pressure also. According to the scientists, Garlic can be helpful for making a good heath. Garlic bulb can be useful for bacterial infections and fungal infections as well.

A unique material which is considered helpful in Cancer is named as allicin. It also provides the Garlic , a strange smell.

Hence Garlic is a health helper!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good Health Tips

When it occurs to your average wellness are you making everything that require to actually be over hence you are should be in the well common health that you can live. With everyone not having attention of their egos similar they should be you may find that the normal person's common wellness is getting low mound very quick.

Let's observe at how we can attain the well general wellness.

To attain the well common wellness which you can you are should require to get reality that you are going to be feeding good and taking the special exercise regularly. You actually require getting reality that you are taking approximately three times a day. You have to be one of the numerous souls that call for to take five or six little meals in a day rather than of three great singles daily.

You are still want to get reality that you are having the good sort on practice for your years and wellness also. It put up even be something as little as getting a little walk one time daily for about fifteen minutes. If you have good wellness you may be fit to get a bicycle drive some moments because you are making capable to have a well quantity of exercise that is required to be in well common health.

When you are attending a small exercise every day you will find that you are gradually decreasing a small weight so your general wellness becoming better. When this occurs you are experiencing well about yourself.

Only consider of all the betterment that you are becoming have to yourself and your average health when you get the time and protect yourself well. You are having even find that your house will find a great improvement in how you appear and how you act.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Us Oncology

It is a nation’s premier services company that provides the patients with access to high quality cancer care. Basically this service deals in all type of cancers and tries to treat them to extent the human life and to prevent them from the pain. It is working closely with manufactures, physicians, payers to develop and discover new techniques to confront the cancer to increase the effectiveness of the care, along with the satisfaction of the patient. Hence, it has become one of the most famous companies in the world that is fighting against the cancer. Recently, however, McKessen Corporation signed an agreement according to which they will get the Us Oncology for $2.16 billion. According to this agreement, Mckessen will buy all the outstanding shares of the US oncology company and all pay off all the debt that the company had recently accumulated. According to the head of the company, when the two institution will be combined there will be a total of 3000 physician customers of the company.

According to the contract all the services or products produced by the US oncology company will continue to be produced and no interference will be made in that matter.

Along with that, according to the agreement the CEO of the US Oncology Company will continue to have the reins of the specialty care solutions business. Oncology practices need strategic support that provides technological solutions along with good clinical services. Hence, McKessen agreed to provide these facilities to the community oncologist.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mongolian Death Worm

Gobi Desert in Mongolia produce a worm name Mongolian Death Worm.This worm squirt a forth sulfuric cause immediately death of human being.Death Worm is not active in the month of June & July except through out the year. The natives of the Gobi have long told tales about this worm that touching any part of Death worm will be cause of on the spot death.This worm has different color mostly red and yellow and with thick bodied and between 0.6 to 1.5 meterslong. The worm likes to get out on the ground normally after the rain, when the soil is still soaked.

The local name of this worm is Allghoi because it look like intestine of a cow. First time in English to this amazing beast appears in Professor Roy Chapman Andrews 1926 book On the Trail of Ancient Man, though the American palontologist (apparently the inspiration for the Indiana Jones character) was not entirely influenced by the tales of the monster he heard at a gathering of Mongolian officials.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


It is a disease that occurs when body starts to produce too many growth hormones; it is actually hormonal disorder which occurs in the adulthood. It is when pituitary gland produces hormones that grow your body especially hands and feet. It’s a Greek word means extremist. It usually happened in the middle-age men and women. There are 4676 cases/million that means there are in one year 116.9 new cases in a million of population.

Symptoms of this disease would appear in any stage of life. It can be vary and would develop gradually. These hormones often called growth hormones GH. When such hormones grow in the body they grow larger than normal.

Due to the fact that this disease is very uncommon and it effects very gradually which in result causes rapid growth and cant be diagnosed at the early stage. If not recognized at the early stage could cause to severe illness and could be life threatening. Certainly available treatments would make considerable improvement which would reduce the enlargement of the features.

Hence, it known treatment is surgery which an effective treatment. This surgery had two methods one is producing a hormones name End nasal Transphenoidal. which is to reach out to pituitary through nasal cavity wall. And the second is Transphenoidal surgery, which a slit is made just beneath the upper lisp’s gum... Endonasal Transphenoidal is less persistent which has the shorter recover time as of old method of Transphenoidal, likely of removing the entire tumor which reduces the side effects. So the Endonasal Transphenoidal surgery is vastly used as compare to the Transphenoidal surgery or radiostatic neurosurgery or the medicinal therapy of reducing the remain effects of the tumor.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


A chemical is called Urushiol that has been generate by the plants like poison ivy, samac,oak and mangoes. That causes affected by touched skin that has been exposed to this plants.

It is in the trees `s juice which in wetness produces a liquid as the pollen counts increased.

This Urushiol causes skin sensitive when the anyone is directly get in touch with these plants. Urushiol also rapid reacts when you touch any stuff that contain such chemical could cause allergic reaction. If you blaze these plants then there fumes is very risky to person when inhaled.

The person infected by this chemical would suffer have the symptom like redness, inching, sweltering and the swelling. Urushiol started just likes normaly bud bite or rashes. When somebody is going in such Urushiol area should have preventive measures like to avoid these plants, wearing long sleeves etc.

When seem that the skin is effected immediately wash the skin with medicated cleanser, removed the cloth that has been contacted with such chemical, most suitable is to throw it way. Well scratching to the contaminated areas of body will not spread the diseases as its bound in the skin but scratch could lads to breakage of the skin that would help bacteria to enter the skin causing the infection.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Krill oil dangers

There are many type of oil in which the human feed is fried and being ready for the eating purposes. One of the oil which has its benefits is krill oil. Basically Krill oil is taken out or extract out from the deep ocean of pacific and the southern ocean of the America. This product is not so much expensive that one can`t but it is of only $25 and easily available on the shelf or can be brought through internet.
Krill oil has also some disadvantages like one who is taking the blood thinner medication can`t take this because it will harm his body. People who has bleeding disorder like their blood is so sensitive that I will not allow them to take the sea food because it is hard in nature please don`t take the Krill oil. Sometime the Krill oil may make problem in digestion so the people suffering from the digestion disorder are not recommended to take their food fried in this oil.
As there are disadvantages but there is many other nutritious thing which are hidden in this oil and can be helpful for only those who are not passing from any such disease which are written on the second paragraph. The basic and the biggest advantage is for those who are cholesterol conscious, the Krill oil has low cholesterol and does make the human fat, it also maintain the blood sugar level and can be helpful for those who are suffering from the diabetes. There are many other benefits including the two we discussed in the article.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Chalmydia is an infection. This is the most common infection now days. This disease can happen to any women or man both. This is a sexual infection. In this infection there is the discharge of some white liquid. The bacterium which cause this infection is named as Chalmy diaceae.The bacteria is present in the cells of humans. This disease can cause in the human genital and may be in the eye.

This disease is so common now days that about one million people are suffering from this disease in United State only. The ratio is very high. In women almost every fourth women has this disease. It is the sexually transmitted disease. Chalmydis can be transmitted during the oral sex or in virginities disease is so dangerous that a pregnant women can transfer this disease to her child during the birth in the virgina.

Three quarter and half of the women have this disease. Womwn has its infection at the neck of the womb but they do not know that have this disease there are no symptoms. But in men this case is different. Men have this disease and they have the symptoms also. The major symptom is the release of the white liquid from the tip of their penis. Sometime this release of liquid is normal and sometimes with pain.

This disease is very dangerous as it can cause reproductive failures and it may cause other problems, which have side affects. The major cause of blindness in humans is because of this disease. This disease is present only in humans. The antibiotics cure this disease.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The Most pleasant period for the mother to be and her partner is pregnancy, but also for the all family.A newel married woman's pregnancy is the time when the mother who pregnant to be and her husband are filled with anxious thoughts about the known, and some unfamiliar fears related to pregnancy and pregnancy problems.It is natural because the mother feels a number of personal,physical,hectic,emotional and psychological changes in her.

Pregnancy date will be calculated as 40 weeks from the first day of your last menses, so a woman need to take that in to account when planning pre-pregnancy physical fitness.

A number of natural and physical changes during pregnancy.Few changes are the uterus increases in volume1,000 times; the womb increases in weight 30 times mother's heart beat increases 50 percent; and her blood increases by one third her kidneys filter 50 percent.

If your heart is over worked, which can impact your baby.And it may be required to take iron supplements.

Some birth defects like spina bifida may be reduces by Folic acid.Good food sources are green leafy vegetables, cereals, and bread.

Exercise makes a part to becoming a healthy parent, so start a gentle exercise plan together, like as jogging, swimming and gym sessions.30 minutes exercise that increases your heart rate at least three times a week.

I hope this article will be helpful for parents.